Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Graduate

This morning marked the end of an era, no more preschoolers for the Wagner Family.

Marcus graduated from Oak Harbor Christian School this morning with honors. Of course he was the cutest kid in his class. He sang the best, and knew all his lines. Bert and I were so proud. I just hope I was the only one who noticed he kept grabbing himself a lot. Probably not, since he was in the front row and everything.

We had a good and a bad thing happen during his graduation.

The bad thing was our camera wasn't working, so sad! As a scrapbook-freak mom that was a real bummer.

The good thing makes everything all right. When his teacher announced that Marcus wants to be a "Guy who washes cars at a car wash" when he grows up Bert and I gave each other high 5's. We are going to save a lot of money on college tuition.

Congratulations Marcus! We love you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

6th Picture

Becky tagged me. This picture was taken in 2006. I was scrapbooking and realized I didn't have any good 4th of July pictures for the year. This was taken in October. I'm such a faker!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

North Whidbey Soccer Academy Hostage

I love it when someone gives me pictures that I didn't know existed. They are wonderful gifts. Unless they are pictures of me eating, talking, frowning, or of my big bottom or stomach. Those kind of pictures I don't like. But pictures of my kids, I love.

This picture was taken Fall of 2007, by a fellow soccer mom. I just received it earlier this year. It really captures what Nathan and Travis were doing every Saturday from September through November. Nathan was on the Academy team and Travis was "A North Whidbey Soccer Academy Hostage". That means he was stuck going to all Nathan's games. He made the best of it by playing with all the other "Hostages" (younger brothers and sisters). He also always made sure he was in the line-up at the end of the game with his brother's team.

Nathan is the second boy in the light blue shirt (#4), and Travis is the little brother in purple. Can you see why I love this photo?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy 15 Years to Us

May 14, 1994

15 Years
3 Wonderful Sons
6 Homes
6 Cars
4 Jets
3 Ranks
2 Airlines
Gray Hair and Wrinkles
More Pounds and Less Hair
I love him more today than the day I married him.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Brother's Day

Marcus informed me this morning that today was "Brother's Day".

"What does that mean?" I asked him.

"It means you have to do everything for us today." He answered.

"Why is that different than any other day? How about you guys are nice to each other all day instead?" I suggested.

"Why would I want to do that?" Was Marcus' answer.

So much for Brother's Day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Better Batter Baseball Part 3

So, Marcus had a T-ball game last night. He still kept hitting the T instead of the ball. I want my money back!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Better Batter Baseball Part 2

Better Batter Baseball

Marcus needed a little help in T-ball so like every good mom I bought him a toy to help him. He loves it!

P.S. Don't judge my lawn we are going to mow it this weekend. If it doesn't rain.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Milestones and Marcus Logic

Nathan reached a milestone the other day and is so excited! His feet are bigger than mine.

Marcus knows why.

"Mom I know why Nathan's feet are bigger that yours now."

"Why?" I asked.

" 'Cause you're old."

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Bunch of Random Stuff

I have been falling behind on my blogging. I have a list of things I want to post about, but I have been a little busy. So I will now blog about a bunch of super cool/silly things that have no relation to each other, except that I think they are awesome.


Of my perfect life, clean house, and helpful children



(This is not my yard, but I thought the windmill and tulips were perfect for the theme.)

Holland Happenings was last weekend. It is a fun event that honors Oak Harbor's Dutch history every Spring. We always enjoy the parade. My favorite part of the parade are the marching bands. This year Nathan was in the parade with his French horn.

Way to be unique Nathan, you're so cute. I had to embarrass him by yelling his name and taking his picture. That's what moms do, isn't it?



Now that the weather is getting nicer, we sometimes go for walks after dinner. The other day Travis wanted to roller blade around the neighborhood in his PJ's with his blankie. I took his picture and told him I would be putting it on my blog.

"Good, I like being on your blog." was his answer.

Later he fell down and ripped up his knee. He was more upset about the big hole in his PJ's. Than his bloody knee.

Even later, a girl we have never seen before rode by on her bike.

"Now I'm embarrassed." Travis said.


Because I grow tulips in my yard waste pile. (The sad thing is they are growing better than the ones I planted on purpose!)