Last year we finally bought ourselves an outdoor dining set. We used it a whole two times last Summer. First we couldn't use it because there was an ant nest under the table in a crack in the patio. There were always ants all over the table and chairs. We finally got rid of the ants but last Summer was also really cold and our backyard is very shady in the evenings. It was never warm enough to eat outside.
We are having a beautiful, sunny, warm Summer this year. On Sunday, we grilled steaks and had corn on the cob, fresh green beans that I bought at my dentist's office, and watermelon. My husband, Bert, suggested we eat outside on our hardly-used-outdoor-dining set. We all thought it would be a great idea.
It didn't take long for an unwelcome, uninvited visitor to arrive. It flew around everyone and wouldn't go away. My boys have all been stung by yellowjackets and are freaked out by them. I am terrified of flying stinging bugs also. The yellowjacket kept landing on our food, especially the steaks. It didn't take long before everyone was back in the house except for Bert. He thought we were all a bunch of wusses.
Stupid Yellowjackets!