Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is on My Mind Right Now


Do I really have to be a COW, really?

Having two kids home from school is throwing me off my groove


They are changing the boundaries of my ward on Sunday, I don't like change.

I just want to play Big Fish Games right now

And sew

I forgot to put dinner in the crock pot this morning, so now we have to eat Friday's dinner tonight.


Pack meeting is tomorrow night, am I ready? Nope.

We are going to San Diego next week if everyone is healthy.

I'm not crazy about flying standby, except for the price.

Housework is a waste of time.

Did They Play Water Polo or Soccer?

After a beautiful, dry Summer and early Autumn, we finally got some real rain this past Saturday. Normally I would have been happy about it since I have been complaining for months about the lack of rain and that I had to water my lawn and flowers so much. But now, not so much, I was going to have to stand in the rain for two soccer games.

Marcus's game was at 9:00, so I put on my super-stylish snow boots (I hate wet feet!) and we drove to the fields. When we got there, there was hardly anyone there. Half the parking lot was underwater and the fields were soggy. Still the games must go on! We are North westerners, not wusses! Marcus played on the worst field there. Half of it was covered in a few inches of water. When they would kick the ball it would not go where they expected it to go. The players kept falling down and the boys were quickly soaked. Marcus had a blast! I was happy that his game was only 30 minutes and it wasn't windy. I wish I had had my camera with me, but I didn't want it to get wet.

I made Marcus stand out in the rain after we got home so I could run in the house and find the camera and get a picture of him standing in the rain all wet. I know that may sound cruel and mean to you, but I feel that it shows my dedication for capturing every moment of my children's lives in pictures.

A couple of hours later, I was back on the fields for Travis' game. It had stopped raining, and the fields and parking lots had drained a little. I was still wearing my super-stylish snow boots.

This is where Marcus played, half the water was gone by the time I took this picture.

Travis' game was his team's best game so far this season. The two teams were more evenly matched and it wasn't a spankin' for either team. His team won! I also am $20.00 poorer, because he scored a goal. Way to go Travis!

It started raining half-way through his game, but he was happy, wet, but happy.

We enjoyed hot chocolate and baths when we got home. I need to buy myself some duck boots.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I'm Bragging on My Blog

This weekend was a very important weekend for the Wagner Family. Bert became the Commanding Officer of his squadron. I can't even put in words how proud I am of him. He joined VR-61 in 2000 as a reservist. He has worked really hard and cares about the people in the squadron. VR-61 has been there for our family too, when we really needed them.

Friday night we went to the Change of Command dinner at Hope Island Inn. We invited some of our family to join us. The food was great and we had a wonderful time. The squadron made a funny video to honor the outgoing Skipper. I am already thinking of all the embarrassing photos I have of Bert for his video when he leaves the squadron.

Saturday afternoon was the Change of Command. Many of our family and friends joined us for the ceremony. Thank you to all who came. It meant a lot to us.

The next 16 months will be challenging. I have mixed feelings about being a COW (Commanding Officer's Wife). I have been told many times that I can do as much or as little as I want to as the CO's Wife. I didn't do much as the XO's wife, but I hope to step it up a little. I don't really enjoy social events and entertaining in my home. I don't feel "Fancy" enough or like leadership positions. I know the best thing I can do is support Bert at home and keep the family going while he leads the squadron.

The boys on Daddy's plane.
Wish us luck!