Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fantastic February

I was going to blog about January, but I can't remember much about it already. Though I'm sure it was awesome and glamorous.

February was an eventful month for the Wagner boys.


-Got contacts and loves them

-Became a Life Scout and received the "On My Honor" Award

-Made the honor role

-Received his Patriarchal Blessing


-Played volleyball at school

-Was awarded 3rd place in the science fair

-Decided he likes girls


-Lost his upper front tooth

We got a piano.

Library Cards

Last night my mother sent me an email commanding me to do a new post because she was tired of my "Christmas Oranges" story.

This is for you Mom.

Marcus went to the library yesterday for a Kindergarten field trip. He was so excited about receiving his very own, personal library card. I didn't know how truly excited he was until I check on him last night. This is what I saw.

I think I need to take this boy to the library!